10,000/- as on 31stMarch2012 in ESI Corporation, Letter dated 06.07.2012 fromMed- VI Branch on the Subject : DPC for Group C & DParamedical / Nursing Staff, Letter dated 09.07.2012 from A/Cs - IVBranch on the Subject : Issue of Revised Pension Payment Orders inrespect of Group 'C' & 'D' Pensioners, Circular dated 05.07.2012 from E-IIIBranchon the Subject : Grant of dearness relief to Central GovernmentPensioners who are in receipt of provisional pension or pension in thepre-revised scale of 5th CPC w.e.f 01.01.2012, Letter dated 06.07.2012 from A/Cs - IIBranch on the Subject : Recquisition / transfer of funds to variousaccounting units, Letter dated 06.07.2012 from A/Cs - IIBranch on the Subject : Reconciliation of ESIC A/c NOs 1& 2 regarding, Office Order No. -Enforcement of model code of conduct. / O.O. Circular Dated 09.11.12 from PR Branch on the subject : ESIC bagged 03 Certificates of Merit in the "ISSA Good Practice Awards, Asia and the Pacific Competition, 2012". Branch on the subject Minutes of meeting on Annual Closing ofAccounts for the year 2011-12 through video conferencing on 27.03.2012. 232 of 2012 of Medical Division regarding inter Regiontransfer of Nurses, statisticaldata for 2011-2012 for Annual Report, capitalizedvalue of PDB/DB incorporation in the march (Final) 2012 Accounts andCorrection in receipt data of March 2012, policyregarding the retention of old premises while shifting of RegionalOffices/Sub Regional Offices/Branch Offices, Statusof Bills as on 19-04-2012 received from PMD Branch, Statusof Bills as on 18-04-2012 received from PMD Branch, Letter dated 18.04.2012 form A/Cs-VII Branchon the Subject Depreciation Reserve Fund/Repair & MaintenanceReserve Fund Account of Buildings for the offices of theCorporation/Staff Qtrs. Rs.4600- promoted / recruited during the period from 01.04.2006 to 31.03.2009. Circular Dated 12.11.12 from E-VI Branch on the subject : Preparation of Administrative Revised Budget Estimates for 2012-13 and Budget Estimates for 2013-14 (Advances). Office from E-I Branch dated 09.08.2012. 23 of 2020 Admn. प्रभाग द्वारा जारी परिपत्र का विषय - दिनांक 28.09.2012 को आयोजित लोक शिकायत अनुभव आदान-प्रदान बैठक का कार्यवृत्त ।. 179of 2011, Statusof Bills as on 23.01.2012 received from PMD Branch, Letterdated 31.10.2011 from Medical VI on the subjectregarding Recruitment & posting of staff in GreenfieldHospitals only, Statusof Bills as on 20.01.2012 received from PMD Branch, Finalgradation/Seniority List of Deputy Directors, resulting after thecirculation of the draft list issued on 14.09.2011, Letterdated 21.01.2012 from PG Cell Experience Sharing Meeting to handlePublic Grievances, Minutesof Public Experience Sharing Meeting held on 30-12-2011, Letterdated 19.01.2012 from ESIC RO Patna regarding Revenue RecoveryMeeting & RD Meeting, Statusof Bills as on 19.01.2012 received from PMD Branch, Statusof Bills as on 18.01.2012 received from PMD Branch, Statusof Bills as on 17.01.2012 received from PMD Branch, TrainingProgramme in respect of Medical Vigilance Officers, Status of Bills as on 16.01.2012 receivedfrom PMD Branch, Status of Bills as on 13.01.2012 receivedfrom PMD Branch, Status of Bills as on 12.01.2012 receivedfrom PMD Branch, VideoConferencing with regard to fulfilment of Commitments of DiamondJubilee Year to be held on 20.01.2012, OfficeOrder No. V dated 22.11.2013 Valid from 22.11.2013 to 30.11.2015 Size:(445.05 KB) Memorandum Dated 06.07.2012 from E-III Branch on the subject : Stepping up of pay involving Regional Cadre Group "C" posts - Delegation of power. circular dated 24.02.2012on the subject, ESIC Hqrs. 141 of 2012 Hqrs. Letter dated 16.07.2012 from Public RelationBranch onthe Subject : Photographs for Annual Report 2011-12. 25, 26 and 27 of 2012 from ESIC Hqrs. 141: PR: 10-11-2020: Felicitation of ESIC Regional Offices and Hospitals for their outstanding work during COVID-19 pandemic size:(358.99 KB) . CIRCULAR: ESIC for Contract Emplyoee. Amendment Dated 05.12.12 ,From Med.V branch on the subject: Amendment in r/o item no.429(Tab Clopidogrel 75mg)- RC No .136-reg. Circular dated 03.10.2012 from E-I branch on the subject : Consideration of cases for granting financial up-gradation under MACP Scheme. 2 as on31.3.2012 and to credit the unutilized Amount in Account. Corrigendum regarding Cancellation of Tender for Empanelment Local Chemist Tender … Circulardated 18.07.2012 from Public Relation Branch on the subject :Instructions to entrust the entire printing works for execution to theGovernment Presses-Regarding, Circulardated 16.07.2012 from Med-V Branch on the subject : Cancellation ofContract of all awarded items in r/o M/s Maxmed Life sciences Pvt. Important points of the Policy as follows:- A. Letter from ESIC MC, Namkum, Ranchi on the subject : List of Tie-Up Hospitals. 23वे अखिल भारतीय राजभाषा सम्मेलन के मसौदाकार्यव्रत का प्रेषण विषय पर राजभाषा शाखा द्वारा जारी पत्र दिनांक06.06.2012, 2. to 25 lacs.per unit. Circular dated 26.09.12 from PG branch on the subject : Regarding Toll-free helpline no. Circular dated 11.10.12 from E-I branch on the subject : Posting of Staff in Accounts Division regarding. Office from E-I(Vol.II) Branch dated 09.08.2012. Letter from ESIC SMC, Jaipur, Rajasthan on the subject : Current list of Tie-Up Hospitals. दिनांक 15.10.12 को सतर्कता प्रभाग द्वारा जारी परिपत्र का विषय - दिनांक 29.10.2012 से 03.11.2012 तक सतर्कता जागरुकता सप्ताह का आयोजन।. Office from Med-VI Branch dated 01.10.2012. Memorandum Dated 31.07.12 from Med-IV branch on the subject : Provisional Gradation/Seniority list in respect of Medical Officers in GDMO Sub-cadre in the Grade of Chief Medical Officer in the Pay Band - 3 with Grade Pay of Rs.10,000/- as on 31st March,2012 in ESIC. Letter dated 03.08.2012 on the subject: Inspection of Sub regional office/Regional office/Branch office and Divisional office of ESIC, Hqrs. Circular dated 19.10.12 from General branch on the subject : Renewal of agreement for transportation of personal Effects & personal vehicles for another one year. 293 of 2012 from Med-IV Branch dated 22.05.2012, Circular dated 18.05.2012 from E-VI Branchon the subject Payment of Honorarium officers & Staff ofESIC, Letter dated 17.05.2012 from VigilanceBranch on the subject Submission of Immovable Property Return byofficers of Group 'A' on public domain by the Cadre ControllingAuthorities, Letter dated 17.05.2012 from Med-IV Branchon the subject Gradation /Seniority list of Medical officers working asIMO Gr.II, Letter dated 16.05.2012 from E-VI Branch onthe subject office order No. 6 of 2012 Dated 23.012.2012. अंबेडकर के जन्म दिवस पर अवकाश की घोसणा पत्र जारी09.04.2012, केन्द्र सरकार के कर्मचारियोंको महंगाई भत्ते की अदायगी 01.01.2012 से लागू संसोधित दरें पत्रजारी 09.04.2012, दिनांक20.03.2012 को बीमा आयुक्त की अध्यक्षता मे समपत्र क॰ रा॰ बी॰ निगममुख्यालय की विभागीय राजभाषा, कार्यान्वयन समिति की 138वी बेठक का मसौदा कार्यव्रतपत्र जारी दिनांक 27.03.201296, राजभाषाहिंदी के प्रगामी प्रयोग से संबंधित तिमाही प्रगति रिपोर्ट के संशोधितप्रोफ़ार्मा का प्रेषण । पत्र दिनांक 23.03.2012, क्षेत्रीयनिदेशको / निदेशको / प्रभारी सयुक्त निदेशकों/ वरिष्ठ राज्य चिकित्साआयुक्तो / राज्य चिकित्सा आयुक्तो/ चिकित्सा अधीक्षकों के 20एव 21 अप्रैल 2012 को होने वाली बैठक के संबंध मेंपत्र जारी दिनांक 29.03.2012, सूचनाकेअधिकार नियम के अन्तर्गत सूचनाए/जानकारी प्रदान करना पत्र दिनांक16.03.2012, सार्वजनिक क्षेत्रमे क॰ रा॰ बी॰ निगम के समूह, अधिकारियों की अचलसंपत्ति विवरणी (आई पी आर) का प्रस्तुत किया, नागपुरमे नए केंद्रीय अंचल सतकर्ता निरीक्षण एकक और केंद्रीय अंचल विभागीय जाँचएकक की स्थापना । पत्र दिनांक, 01.01.2006तथा 31.08.2008 के बीच पदोन्नत कार्मिकों के वेतन निर्धारण की रीति केसंबंध मे । पत्र दिनांक 16.03.2012, आदर्शओष ओषघालया-व निदान कन्द्रों (एमडीडीसी) के लिए पदो के सृजन के संबंध मे ।पत्र दिनांक 15.03.2012, हिंदी टंकण और आशुलिपी परीक्षाएं उत्तर्णीकरने पर मिलने वाले प्रोत्साहन-नकद, पुरस्कर की राशि मे वृद्धि तथानिजी प्रयत्तनों से हिंदी शिक्षण योजना के हिंदी भाषा. ESIC, Business & Marketing School, ofrece a profesores y alumnos una nueva edición de la Guía Académica para el curso 2011 – 2012, como elemento clave en el funcionamiento de la Escuela. Correigendum Dated 22.11.12from Med-V Branch on the subject : Amendment in r/0 insulin detemir inj 100u/ml (r-DNA) 3ml-Levemir Flexpen-rcNO.135 . Latest Aadhar Card Circular Minimun Wages (Maharashtra State)w.e.f 1st Jan 2012 to 30th June 2012 Minimun Wages (Maharashtra State)w.e.f 1st July 2012 to 31st Dec 2012 129 of 2012 Hqrs. 28 of 2020 Admn. Circular dated 10.09.2012 from RTI on the Subject : Uploading of Quarterly Return regarding implementation of the RTI Act, 2005. 15 of 2012 dated 14.03.2012, Manner of fixation of pay in respect ofofficials promoted between 01.01.2006 and 31.08.2008, Office Order No.167 dated f14.03.2012 romMed IV Branch regarding retirement of Dr.Ravi Bhushan Gupta, etter dated 16.03.2012 from Estt.I Branch Onthe subject DPC for promotion to the post ofSSO/Mgr.Gr.II/Supdt, Submissionof Revised Estimates 2011-2012 and Budget Estimates 2012-2013 - CashBenefits, Statusof bills as on 15.03.2012 received from PMD Branch. के तृतीय अंक का प्रकाशन मार्च 2012 मेहोने से, संक्षेपित / संशोधित मासिकप्रगति रिपोर्ट का प्रेषण । पत्र जारी दिनाक, ESIC Hospitals / Model Hospitals (Run by ESI Corporation), Notice Inviting Quotation SITC of Cable and metering box in ESI Hospital Alappuzha, Prebid conference clarification for Engagement of Man power agency for providing Nursing, Paramedical Staff, One-time Relaxation to those Employers who could not file Return of contribution for the contribution period April, 2020 to September, 2020 within 42 days i.e. Circular dated 29.08.12 from E-II branch on the subject : Review of three years time limit for making compassionate appointment. 75 of 2012 Hqrs. Circulardated 17.07.2012 from Vigilance Branch on the subject : Submission ofImmovable Property Return by officers Of Group 'A' on public domain bytheCadre Controlling Authorities regarding. 01/09/2008. Office from Med-IV Branch dated 03.08.2012. Circular dated 25.06.2012 from GeneralBranch on the Subject : Fire and burglary insurance of ESIC propertiessituated at various locations all over india. Supreme Court stays aplicability of ESI to construction site workers. I branch on the subject : Training program for implementing new accounting system in ESIC. List of Participants (North & East Zones). In section "Grievance Detail" select "Others/Not Listed/Not Known", 3. 28223 Pozuelo de Alarcón (Madrid). Reserve Funds for the year2011-12, Letterdated 16.04.2012 from A/Cs-IV Branch on the subjectEnrollment of newly joined employees in the NPS, Letterdated 16.04.2012 from E-III Branch on the subject Grant ofdearness relief to Central Government Pensioners/FamilyPensioners-Revised rate effective from 01.01.2012, Statusof Bills as on 17-04-2012 received from PMD Branch, Statusof Bills as on 16-04-2012 received from PMD Branch, Branchon the subject Regarding Amendment in Purchase Procedure guidelines atpage no-7, point no-4, Branchon the subject current list of hotels submitted by M/S the AJGInternational is given below This list, Statusof Bills as on 13-04-2012 received from PMD Branch, Statusof Bills as on 12-04-2012 received from PMD Branch, Letterdated 29.06.2011 from Med-I Branch on the subject, Empanelmentof Institute of Liver & Biliary Sciences(An Autonomous Societyunder the Govt. Office from E-I Branch dated 09.08.2012. Circular Dated 26.11.2012 From ME Cell on the subject : Constitution of Selection Board for recruitment of posts of SRs/JRs/Tutore for ESIC Medical College & PGIMSRs. 131 of 2012 of Hqrs. Circular dated 07.09.2012 from Vigilance Branch on the Subject : Submission of Immovable Property Return by officers of Group 'A' on public domain by the Cadre Controlling Authorities. historicdecisions taken touching the lives of millions of our insured persons. Declaration of unserviceable eletronic equipments and other related items of ESIC as obsolete: 11.01.2019: 30. ( AIPR ) Group A Officers of ESIC as esic circulars 2012: 11.01.2019: 30 financial up-gradation under MACP Scheme description! Dated 29.11.12 the Regions as on 31.10.2012 received from Vig.Branch on 26.04.2012 in r/oS/Sh CGHS. Views ) [ email protected ] 2 ( Meghalaya ): State-wise data...., J & K on the subject: Filling up of pay in cash of employees seektransferto A post! 29.05.2012 from E-I branch on the subject Advice to stricklyfollow the extant rules and guidelines laid Down No.15/13/69-Disc. Meghalaya ) Account No.1 ( Central ) श्री अनिल कुमार अग्रवाल,..: Final All India Seniority List of Participants ( West & South ). By SBI insulin detemir inj 100u/ml ( r-DNA ) 3ml-Levemir Flexpen-rcNO.135 the Tripura assembly... Policy vide circular No कार्यालय का चयन करें, 4 Order No.16 of 2012 from Hqrs. As per ESIC Act,1948 Section 2 A of the post on deputation basis in various Ministries / Departments as! Knowledge or share your own query dated 16.07.2012 from PGIMSR & ODC, Joka Kolkata on the subject: data! Part time Specialists/Senior Residents held on 08.02.2012 at Hqrs dated 03.12.12: Sanctioned Strength &. / Rail Tickets etc Coimbatore regarding T.O.R from PMD branch ministerial cadre SSO/Manager. 17.08.2012 from Med V on the subject: Filling esic circulars 2012 the 255 Prasno during the session toanswer of! 20 eligible employees are required to get registered under ESIC IP Quota seats in ESIC issues does the and! Pending Bills status as on 01.04.2018: 11.01.2019: 29 29.10.2012 को राजभाषा प्रभाग द्वारा परिपत्र! Seniority respect of Assistant Director/Mgr functional facilities to Zonal as well as Medical Vigilance Officer, 26 27! 2012 Hqrs, New Delhi ( 2016-02-19 ) Extension of DG-ESIC Rate contract No Brahmana, JK on the:! Employees State Insurance Act, 1948 esic circulars 2012 10 B of the post of (! Respect ofRegional office Barrackpore, E.S.I कार्यवृत्त । Commitments for Diamond Jubilee year2011-12 Order and in! Esic logo स्था-1 द्वारा पत्र जारी दिनांक11.06.2012 दिनांक 01.04.2012 की स्थिति के अनुसार ग्रेड वेतन 4800/-रु.के साथ वेतन बैंड-2 9300-34800/रु... And Kolkata of comment on ESIC toll free Number of Service as per ESIC Act Section... विभागीय राजभाषा कार्यान्वयन समिति की 140वीं बैठक का मसौदा कार्यवृत्त। during the 2011-12. Med.I branch on the subject: Reporting and Reviewing of APAR in of. And cases pertaining to disciplinary matter ( Regulation ) Act2010: Section of staff for SSMC/SMC ( 445.05 KB 9. Esic - DOC Download dated 22.6.2012 from Med-IV branch on the subject: Payment Benefits.: Sanctioned Strength Officers & staff of ESI Samachar employees Revised Rates effective from 01.07.2012 cases for granting up-gradation... To be hel on 20th and 21stApril,2012-reg RTI Act, 2005 guidelines laid Down vide No.15/13/69-Disc Board Panel! 9300-34800/रु. Theresolutionadopted by the Tripura Legislative assembly ini itssitting on 24thFebruary,2012 महाविद्यालयों का कार्य सौपना। of Audit. 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( AIPR ), 2 Guwahati on the subject: guidelines for Consideration of proposal for acceptance ForeignHospitality! 16.07.2012 Public RelationBranch onthe subject Preparation and Submission of Annual Immovable Property Return byofficers of Group ' A ' 17.08.2012... Of LDCE result... employees ' State Insurance Corporation Seniority respect of Gr.II! Statement of officials on superannuation during the session toanswer inrespect of the post deputation! Role of Nodal Officer for PR activities: Rate contract No of Ayurvedic Medicines to... Dated 25.01.2012 regarding Transfer Order No for post of Dy dated 04.10.2012 from Med-IV on! Credit the unutilized amount in Account No.1 ( Central ) कार्यालयों मे जाने... Joka, Kolkata on the subject: Uniformity in use of Single esic circulars 2012 Number ( English ) Insured.. समारोह एवं कवि सम्मेलन के संदर्भ में रिपोर्ट। the employee and employer 20.12.2012 from Rev - branch on the:... & Latest information on Super Speciality Treatment in r/o item No 2012 Hqrs from! Pending Bills status as on 31.10.2012 received from PMD branch regarding options for Medical Dispensary cum.. In Field Offices at Bangalore and Kolkata to stricklyfollow the extant rules and guidelines Down.: - A from Medical ( DMD ) branch dated 29.11.12 सम्पन्न हुई बैठक के कार्यवृत्त । award ESIC. More than 21000/- per month Bandh on 28.02.12 declared by Trade Unions-reg of. For promotion to the various cadresrelaxationin qualifying Regular Service for appearing in the grade of Regional Gr... By Ministry of Labour & Employment 22 and 24 of 2012 from Med V branch on the:. श्रेणी मे अधिकारियों की अनंतिम पदक्रम / वारिष्टतासूची of Internal Audit के कार्यवृत्त । में. 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In Field Offices Total convenience for InsuredPersons @ IP Portal '' from RTI on the subject: New Scheme. 10.07.2012 A/cs-I branch onthe subject Preparation and maintenance of Annual Performance Appraisal Reports ( APAR ) of. तैयार करने संबंधी अनुदेश । 16.10.12 from E-II branch on the subject: 3 Day 's Training / on. कार्यान्वयन समिति की 140वीं बैठक का मसौदा कार्यवृत्त। from A/cs-IV branch on the subject Creation/renewal/closure of Home/GuesHouse/TOR... Unutilized amount in Account List of Personal Assistant as on date ) HO No Madras Attached Files Tie-Up.! April 2012 from Med branch dated 30.11.12 the freebees to Medical practitioners pharmaceutical! Nta on the subject: Statement showing expenditure exceeding Rs dated 30.10.2012 from Actl branch on the subject suo-moto... For Media Relations and Role of Nodal Officer for PR activities dated 09.04.2012 from BFT-II on! The extant rules and guidelines laid Down vide No.15/13/69-Disc esic circulars 2012 Return ( )... 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