NATO’s interoperability policy defines the notion as ‘‘the ability of Allies to act together coherently, effectively and efficiently to achieve tactical, operational and strategic objectives.’’ 64Interoperability: Connecting NATO Forces, North Atlantic Treaty Org. 90See Wales Summit Declaration, supra note 57. Apart from Iceland, it is true that all Allies indeed maintain armed forces and military equipment, whose strength and status are regularly discussed in the context of a broader “fair burden-sharing” debate. The Council shall be so organised as to be able to meet promptly at any time. 7, 2016), In early 2003 NATO settled on only three ribbon styles - one for the NATO Meritorious Service Medal, one for Article 5 operations, and one for non-Article 5 operations. Taking into account that NATO embodies military cooperation among Allies, Allies should not make sure only to have well-equipped and operational armed forces but also, they have to ensure that they are interoperable among them. NATO’s interoperability policy defines the notion as ‘‘the ability of Allies to act together coherently, effectively and efficiently to achieve tactical, operational and strategic objectives.’’ … In order to contribute to peace and stability outside the Alliance, throughout the years NATO has established different partnerships with third nations and developed different partnership programmes, such as: Partnership for Peace Programme, Mediterranean Dialogue, Istanbul Cooperation Initiative and the Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council. . Id. The heart of NATO is expressed in Article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty, in which the signatory members agree that. In this respect, they laid down the common standards for English and French language proficiency. 3. It does not necessarily seek to impose on Allies unified military equipment and procedures; rather interoperability strives to find a way for different equipment, systems and procedures to operate and work together. 104See North Atlantic Treaty, supra note 2, art. Economic collaboration was introduced into Article 2 by Canada. 3. 39 In plain language, resilience might be defined as capacity to recover and to bounce back after a crisis or disruption, see Definition of Reslience, Merriam-Webster (2019), on the forces, vessels, or aircraft of any of the Parties, when in or over these territories or any other area in Europe in which occupation forces of any of the Parties were stationed on the date when the Treaty entered into force or the Mediterranean Sea or the North Atlantic area north of the Tropic of Cancer. (Jun. In the two declarations, NATO and EU pledged to strengthen cooperation in the following areas: countering hybrid threats, operational cooperation at sea and on migration, cyber security and defense, defense capabilities, defense industry and research, exercises and supporting Eastern and Southern partners’ capacity-building efforts. 60 Press Release, NATO, Brussels Summit Declaration, (July 11, 2018). In a statement released Monday, NATO said almost 90%, or about 350 of these missions, were connected to flights by Russian military aircraft. For example, the State Parties to the Rio Treaty considered: That the obligation of mutual assistance and common defense of the American Republics is essentially related to their democratic ideals and to their will to cooperate permanently in the fulfillment of the principles and purposes of a policy of peace . 7, 2016), The state administration was solely and exclusively responsible for maintaining a well-functioning infrastructure together with sufficient civil resources. 41 Interpretative Minute of the 18th Meeting of the Washington Exploratory Talks on Security on 15 March 1949. The author is grateful to Mr. Steven Hill, NATO IS Legal Adviser and Director of NATO IS Office of Legal Affairs, as well as to Ms. Lone Kjelgaard and Mrs. Nadia Marsan, NATO Senior Assistant Legal Advisers, for their precious advice, comments, and suggestions on various legal issues examined in this commentary. The report also addressed economic collaboration. NATO can also assist partner countries in the process of developing their capability, as well as their defense and security institutions. They believed that the Washington Treaty had to represent more than a mere collective defense arrangement. procedures for environment protection during military operations, refueling procedures and specifications for common ground station for unmanned aerial vehicles used by NATO forces. 22Id. The Parties will consult together whenever, in the opinion of any of them, the territorial integrity, political independence or security of any of the Parties is threatened. 52NATO Deputy Secretary General Thanks Iceland for its Contribution to European Security, North Atlantic Treaty Org. ; The Drafting of the Treaty, supra note 3, at 10–11. 20Report of the Committee of Three, North Atlantic Treaty Org., (Oct. 5, 2017), .” 34Id. Hence, the private sector began to play a crucial role in crisis management. And that was without ever carrying out an attack. 59 Steven Grundman, NATO’s 2 Percent Guideline: What About the United States?, Atlantic Council (July, 10 2018), In order more effectively to achieve the objectives of this Treaty, the Parties, separately and jointly, … Any such armed attack and all measures taken as a result thereof shall immediately be reported to the Security Council. Press Release, European Council, Joint Declaration on EU-NATO Cooperation (July 10, 2018). The standardization process plays a key role in the field of interoperability. Econ. In recent years EU has shown intention to develop an integrated defense policy and a potential EU army. 69Interoperability: Connecting NATO Forces, supra note 64. This Treaty, of which the English and French texts are equally authentic, shall be deposited in the archives of the Government of the United States of America. (Jan. 10, 2018), We work hard to help our students feel welcome and valued for their unique skills and perspectives. ability to make financial contributions to NATO missions, morale, etc. Cooperation between OSCE and NATO took place also on the ground. 243. Article 2 of the Washington Treaty, while initially designed to be more of a political and declaratory nature, gained more substance with the report of the ‘‘Three Wise Men,’’ which laid down the basis for non-military cooperation among Allies in the political, economic, scientific and technological fields. (June 25, 2018), 121,133 (2018). As for Article 3 of the Washington Treaty, it can be considered one of the most important articles of the Washington Treaty, if not the most important one. This cooperation includes but is not limited to combating transnational threats, including terrorism and cyber threats, border management and security, disarmament, small arms and light weapons, confidence and security-building measures, regional issues and exchange of experience on the respective Mediterranean dimensions. 13, 2012), Rose Gottemoeller, a former deputy secretary-general of NATO, is Payne distinguished lecturer at Stanford University. 2, Apr. Interoperability is pursued mainly through standardization, exercises, training, tests, trials, missions, partnerships and cooperation with industry. NATO’s aims and objectives, such as preservation of peace and security in the North Atlantic area and worldwide, preservation of the rule of law, democracy, and freedom are pursued through a wide variety of military and non-military ways for which Articles 2 and 3 of the Washington Treaty provide a firm basis. Namely, the Wales Summit Declaration says that Allies will ‘‘aim’’ to hit the 2% and 20% targets by 2024. In order to clarify this and other issues concerning the interpretation of the Washington Treaty, the founding Allies—Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, the United Kingdom and the United States—adopted informal and non-binding interpretative minutes to the Washington Treaty, which contained, inter alia, a definition of the term “Mutual Aid.” 41 Interpretative Minute of the 18th Meeting of the Washington Exploratory Talks on Security on 15 March 1949. This year's summit is taking place amid the UK's tumultuous divorce with the EU while President Trump is … The North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, now with 30 members, was founded in 1949 to confront the threat of the communist Soviet Union, which broke up in 1991. After the Treaty has been in force for twenty years, any Party may cease to be a Party one year after its notice of denunciation has been given to the Government of the United States of America, which will inform the Governments of the other Parties of the deposit of each notice of denunciation. Generally, the language of the first draft differed from the current language of Article 3 in two important aspects. This was further accompanied by an additional provision stating that the different types of collaboration would not interfere with or duplicate the work and activities of other international organizations of which NATO Allies might be members. Last but not least, NATO cherishes cooperation with the OSCE. See Megan Eckstein, Iceland Embracing Its Strategic Location by Supporting NATO Air Defense, USNI News (Oct. 24, 2018), The Committee was composed of the so-called “Three Wise Men,” the ministers of foreign affairs of Norway, Italy, and Canada. maintain and develop . 91NATO Cyber Defence-Factsheet, North Atlantic Treaty Org. The Enhanced Policy was further updated at the Warsaw Summit 2016, where Allies recognized cyberspace as a domain of operations, reaffirmed the principles laid down in the Enhanced Cyber Policy, and adopted the so-called ‘‘Cyber Defense Pledge.’’ 84 Press Release, NATO, Cyber Defence Pledge (July 8, 2016). The aircraft were operated by Nos. 28The Drafting of the Treaty, supra note 3, at 10. See NATO Rapid Reaction Team to Fight Cyber Attack, North Atlantic Treaty Organization (Mar. In this respect, they laid down the common standards for English and French language proficiency. Different partnership programmes, such as Partnership for Peace Programme, Mediterranean Dialogue and Istanbul Cooperation Initiative, inter alia, aim at enabling partner nations to act jointly with NATO-led forces. L. The Keflavik Air Base is used by Allied navies for military exercises and air policing (surveillance) among other things. In addition, partnerships might better prepare interested partner nations to join the Alliance. NICP provides a framework for engagement of NATO and industry/private sector in the field of cyber defense of NATO-owned networks. 92 It is indeed important to emphasize that the Washington Treaty aims for preservation of peace and security worldwide, not only within the North Atlantic area. NATO has welcomed the initiative by expressing the expectation that this will further enhance the resilience of European Allies and will contribute to fairer burden-sharing within the Alliance. C-M(56)127 (Dec. 13, 1956), While STANAGs might be deemed crucial for achieving interoperability, they do not have binding force on Allies. They will seek to eliminate conflict in their international economic policies and will encourage economic collaboration between any or all of them. 70 Backgrounder-Interoperability for Joint Operations, supra note 68. 96Id. Being faced with emerging modern security threats, such as hybrid and cyber threats, and Russian illegal and illegitimate annexation of Crimea on March 18, 2014, all Allies openly and officially declared their commitment to reverse declining defense budgets most prominently at the Wales Summit in 2014. 88 NATO, Framework for NATO Industry Engagement ¶ 8.1 (2013). Id. 40 North Atlantic Treaty, supra note 2, art. and for its financial and civilian contributions to NATO-led missions in the Balkans and Afghanistan. ¶ 8.1. 13, 2012), 83 Wales Summit Declaration, supra note 57. 101See What we Do, OSCE, 87 Brussels Summit Declaration, supra note 60. 17, 1948, 19 U.N.T.S. The Treaty came into force on 24 August 1949, after the deposition of the ratifications of all signatory states. NATO engages with industry through procurement and non-procurement cooperation. ¶ 72. But see Federico Fabbrini, Do NATO Obligations Trump European Budgetary Constraints?, 9 Harv. The general reference to capacity as well as the article’s initial general reference “to achieve the objectives of [the] Treaty” 47Id. It also affirmed that international law as a whole applies to cyber space and that cyber defense falls under NATO’s mandate of collective self-defense. (1949) at 10. According to the then United States Secretary of State, John Foster Dulles, the Washington Treaty was supposed to provide a framework for strengthening “the morale and positive elements on which true peace depends.” 4Id. The report called on Allies to take into account the views of other Allies when adopting national policies. The Brussels and Rio Treaties preceded the Washington Treaty, they established the Western Union and the Organisation of American States, respectively, and they both provided for a collective defense arrangement. Accordingly, each Ally needs to do its best for its own resilience—national resilence—and contribute in any other way to the resilience of other Allies. 3. The Rapid Reaction Teams tool might be seen as an example of “mutual aid.’ Id. 8 Report of the Committee on Foreign Relations on Exec. These systems can be attacked by anyone from anywhere, and at any moment by cyber means. C-M(56)127, supra note 19, ¶¶ 75-77. 71See generally Marten Zwanenburg, International Humanitarian Law Interoperability in Multinational Operations, 95 Int’l Rev. 50 North Atlantic Treaty, supra note 2, art. They enable close consultations between NATO and partner nations on regional security matters, and they shape common crisis-prevention approaches. The very first STANAGs recognized the importance of a common language for interoperability purposes. Press Release, NATO, Commitment to Enhance Resilience (July 8, 2016). “This is a moderate increase from 2019," NATO … C-M(56)127 (Dec. 13, 1956), and the second Joint Declaration, respectively. The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO, / ˈ n eɪ t oʊ /; French: Organisation du traité de l'Atlantique nord, OTAN), also called the North Atlantic Alliance, is an intergovernmental military alliance between 30 European and North American countries. 9 Brussels Treaty, supra note 5. See Megan Eckstein, Iceland Embracing Its Strategic Location by Supporting NATO Air Defense, USNI News (Oct. 24, 2018), Resilient energy, 75 Stable and reliable energy supply, the diversification of import routes, suppliers and energy resources, and the interconnectivity of energy networks are of crucial importance, see Press Release, NATO, Warsaw Summit Communiqué, (July 9, 2016). 17, 1948, 19 U.N.T.S. 98Relations with the United Nations, North Atlantic Treaty Org. Through procurement, NATO acquires new cyber capabilities and services from industry, whereas through non-procurement cooperation NATO might engage in discussions and exchanges of information with industry on capability requirements and needs, including matters related to interoperability standards. 121,133 (2018). 3. Many Allies became concerned about the security of future intra-Alliance commercial and military communications, primarily – but not only – because of risks posed by non-Allied suppliers. In addition to peace-support and peacekeeping operations, NATO-U.N. cooperation covers a wide variety of fields, such as crisis assessment and management, civil-military cooperation, training and education, corruption in the defense sector, mine action, mitigation of the threat posed by improvised explosive devices, civilian capabilities, promotion of the role of women in peace and security, protection of civilians, including children in armed conflict, sexual and gender-based violence, arms control and non-proliferation and the fight against terrorism. (June 6, 2017), United Kingdom – 2.21 percent of GDP spent on defense. on Non-Military Cooperation in NATO, ¶ 61, NATO Doc. It is therefore imperative for NATO and Allies to establish a good cooperation with the private sector. 99 S.C. Res. See NATO Standardization Office, North Atlantic Treaty Organization (June 9, 2017), It is indeed important to emphasize that the Washington Treaty aims for preservation of peace and security worldwide, not only within the North Atlantic area. Also the NATO training mission in Iraq in 2014 was set up partly pursuant to a U.N. Security Council resolution. The reference to the objectives of the Treaty in Article 3 also provides the basis for NATO’s cooperation with partner nations. 101See What we Do, OSCE, In order more effectively to achieve the objectives of this Treaty, the Parties, separately and jointly, by means of continuous and effective self-help and mutual aid, will maintain and develop their individual and collective capacity to resist armed attack. NATO's press release about the address and transcript were published Wednesday afternoon, before a violent mob stormed the Capitol building in … Finally, the sixth draft aligned the language of Article 3 with the language of the U.N. Charter, concretely with its Article 51. Id. At the Brussels Summit 2018, Allies recognized that “Partners have made and continue to make substantial contributions to Alliance operations, missions, and practical cooperation activities. The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is an alliance of 28 countries that border the North Atlantic Ocean. 68Backgrounder-Interoperability for Joint Operations, North Atlantic Treaty Organization (July 2006), Finally, the report recommended the creation of a NATO Committee of Economic Advisers, which was eventually created in 1957. It also includes, inter alia, civil readiness, economic strength, 48Resilience and Article 3, North Atlantic Treaty Org. 23Report of the Committee of Three, supra note 20. 77 [hereinafter Rio Treaty]; Treaty of Economic, Social and Cultural Collaboration and Collective Self-Defence, Mar. Press Release, European Commission, Joint Declaration by the President of the European Council, the President of the European Commission, and the Secretary General of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (July 8, 2016). Inter-American Treaty on Reciprocal Assistance, Sept. 2, 1947, 21 U.N.T.S. NATO-led operations in the Western Balkans, Afghanistan and Libya implemented binding U.N. Security Council resolutions. 16Id. They therefore agree to this North Atlantic Treaty : The Parties undertake, as set forth in the Charter of the United Nations, to settle any international dispute in which they may be involved by peaceful means in such a manner that international peace and security and justice are not endangered, and to refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force in any manner inconsistent with the purposes of the United Nations. NATO-EU cooperation is carried out in accordance with the principles of transparency, openness, inclusiveness and reciprocity, and in full respect of the decision-making autonomy and procedures of both organizations without prejudice to the specific character of the security and defense policy of any member state. Partnerships benefit both NATO and partner nations. 304 [hereinafter Brussels Treaty]. One of the crucial points that the commentary makes clear is that developing resilience goes beyond military capacity, to include also civil readiness, cyber defense, economic strength and morale. STANAGS are adopted and published by the NATO Standardization Office. at 32. 18Id. and to provide cyber defense assistance to Allies upon request, 82 NATO might assist an Ally victim of a cyber-attack by deploying the so-called “Rapid Reaction Teams” which consist of cyber defense experts specifically trained to mitigate harmful and adverse consequences of cyber-attacks. With regard to political collaboration, the report urged Allies to consult among themselves on any political issues significantly affecting the Alliance or any issues of interest to the Alliance. Id. ; The Drafting of the Treaty, supra note 3, at 10–11. Nevertheless, failing to do so does not necessarily put the Ally in violation of Article 3 of the Washington Treaty if the Ally contributes to its resilience and resilience of the Alliance in other forms as it has been described before. 46 North Atlantic Treaty, supra note 2, art. Finally, the term “resist” is a matter of interpretation. The Council shall set up such subsidiary bodies as may be necessary; in particular it shall establish immediately a defence committee which shall recommend measures for the implementation of Articles 3 and 5. In essence, the phrase indicates that resilience of the Alliance against armed attack can be best achieved through individual and common effort. 59 Steven Grundman, NATO’s 2 Percent Guideline: What About the United States?, Atlantic Council (July, 10 2018), Finally, the report touched upon social collaboration and collaboration in the field of information. 92 It is indeed important to emphasize that the Washington Treaty aims for preservation of peace and security worldwide, not only within the North Atlantic area. [NATO], Rep. of the Comm. They are resolved to unite their efforts for collective defence and for the preservation of peace and security. Finally, Allies committed not only to deter and defend against cyber-attacks, but also to counter them. In addition, the report also advocated for submission of disputes involving Allies to NATO’s consideration before resorting to other international dispute settlement mechanisms. at 11. Stable and reliable energy supply, the diversification of import routes, suppliers and energy resources, and the interconnectivity of energy networks are of crucial importance. 13 Jamie Shea, What can we Learn Today from the ‘Three Wise Men’?, NATO Rev. Mag. Id. In 1958, the NATO Science Programme turned into NATO Science for Peace and Security, which provided further possibilities for scientific collaboration among Allies as well as with partner nations. Article 3 provides also the basis for NATO’s cooperation with industry, international organizations, and partner nations. Mag. 84 Press Release, NATO, Cyber Defence Pledge (July 8, 2016). Red Cross 681 (2013). Press Release, European Council, Joint Declaration on EU-NATO Cooperation (July 10, 2018). 5Id. facilities, manpower, productive capacity, or military equipment.” 42Id. The NATO Communications and Information Agency is entrusted with the protection of NATO’s networks. “In order more effectively to achieve the objectives of this Treaty, the Parties, separately and jointly, by means of continuous and effective self-help and mutual aid, will maintain and develop their individual and collective capacity to resist armed attack.” 27 North Atlantic Treaty, supra note 2, art. , Social and Cultural collaboration and Collective Self-Defence, Mar to identify fields for improvement are adopted and published the. A head in early 2019 the Parties of the Treaty, supra note 2, 1947, U.N.T.S! Responsible for maintaining a well-functioning infrastructure together with sufficient civil resources, such as energy, food, exercises... 13, 1956 ), https: // Cultural collaboration and collaboration in the field of operations has urging... On one member of NATO, Cyber Defence Pledge ( July 11, 2018 ), https: // 's. 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