Copy link bes1002t commented Jan 11, 2018. unfortunately not. How do we draw the hole? We use moveTo() to set the starting point, call lineTo() to indicate the end point, and then do the actual drawing by calling stroke(). The drawPieSlice function takes seven parameters: Here is an example for calling three functions: Now we have all the tools necessary to draw a pie chart, so let's see how we use them together. Copy link ShadovvBeast commented Jan 9, 2018. Design templates, stock videos, photos & audio, and much more. The next part is the most consistent, the draw() function. Doughnut; Doughnut Selection; Doughnut with Top N Series; Doughnut with Multiple Series; Custom Label in the Center; Financial Charts. To do that, we will use the fillText(text,x,y) function of the drawing context. We will see how we can use the canvas component and JavaScript to draw: To start drawing using the HTML5 canvas, we'll need to create a few things: We'll keep things very simple and add the following code inside index.html: We have the